Today I want to share about happiness. One of our newest holiday traditions is a giant family New Year’s Eve party. This year was our “third annual” and there were 13 adults and 14 children. (Yes, we were outnumbered!)This event is sponsored by none other than yours truly. Of course being the grandma, I can’t let an opportunity like this go by without trying to impart some kind of grandmotherly wisdom. So this year after dinner had been had and the kids had watched a movie and multiple games had been played, I sat the kids (grown and not) down and gave them each a pack of gum. On each pack were the words “‘Chews’ to have a Happy New Year!”
My message was short and simple. Whether or not we have a happy new year, or not, is largely up to us. It begins with a choice. For me it’s not a matter of commandeering my attitude and pasting an “I will be happy” smile on my face. I want more than the look of happiness. I want the real thing through and through. I choose it! I want it! And what I really want is an important part of the recipe. It’s the first ingredient.
Today I understand that my choice is not the only factor. I literally can’t change a thing about myself—sad to happy, discouraged to cheerful, frustrated to peaceful, or angry to accepting—without the power of God. But the truth is that He can’t change a thing about me without my permission—without my choice. I have learned that change is a matter of my will—my choice, and His power. I can desire happiness and I can work for it to the best of my present God given ability. I can choose to let go of some things that stand in the way of my happiness and choose to do the things that bring happiness.
This year I “chews” to have a Happy New Year and leave the miracle to the Lord.
By Nannette W.
Posted Sunday, January 15, 2012
Copyright 2008 by Nannette W.All right reserved. Making or sending copies is permitted if the page is not changed in any way and the material is not used for profit. This notice must be included on each copy made or sent.
Becky Keele says
Hi Nannette,
I “chews” to have a Happy New Year as well! Great message, thank you.
Kendra says
I think I will “Chews” to have a happy 2012 as well…Love ya mom! the party was awesome!!
Pattyann says
You are so right Nannette. We each have a choice. We can’t change what happens to us, but we can totally choose what we do about it. We can’t change our past, but we can start today and change the ending of our own stories.