Today I would like to share on the words from the book Alcoholics Anonymous, “Self-knowledge availed us nothing.”
There has been much scientific advancement in the study of addiction. I must admit that it does bring a certain relief to know that those of us who struggle with addictive substances and behaviors have developed scientifically measurable signs of illness of both mind and body, that our ability to make good choices has actually become physiologically weak. However, knowing about me does not fix me. Self-knowledge is not the cure. The best self-knowledge can do is motivate me to seek the cure. It’s no different than any other illness in that naming it, describing it scientifically, and even finding its root cause will never have the power to heal it. I find it very important to remember that I can never replace understanding my disease, though interesting and perhaps motivating, with the real work of overcoming my disease.
By Nannette W.
Posted Thursday, August 11, 2011
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