On a particularity busy day, full of housework and homework I sat (finally) and began contemplating the subject of my children’s gratitude (or the lack of it). It suddenly dawned on me that I didn’t long for my children’s “Thanks so much Mom! You’re the best!” What I really desired was that they be thankful children; that they develop the ability to see my love for them, my patience with them, my sacrifice for them, not to fill some void within me, but for their own growth.
Seeing this truth in regard to my children and me has helped me apply it to my relationship with God.
I used to see the commandment to give thanks in all things as just one more requirement, something God needed me to do for Him. God does not need my thanks to fill His cup. He loves me and wants me to be a thankful child, not for Him, but for me.
The command to be grateful is an invitation to be aware – to be awake and alive to God’s gifts, to His precious grace. No, gratitude is not just one more item to add to our list of “do’s.” It is a way of validating the living presence of God in our lives. The command to be grateful is all about my progress, not about God’s need for validation.
By Nannette W.
Posted Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Copyright 2008 by Nannette W. All right reserved.
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Bill and Mandy Guidry says
Thanks Mom! 🙂