In The Book of Mormon 1 Nephi 7:11 Nephi asks his brothers, “How is it that ye have forgotten…?” I think it’s so funny that this verse is numbered 7:11 like that “convenience” store we find ourselves walking into for a quick fix, the thing we have forgotten. We kick ourselves as we drive to the mini meet all needs quickly and at any time of day store, in a panic, wondering how we neglected to purchase some important item during our weekly grocery-buying excursion. We use or nearly use Nephi’s very words. Perhaps in a less scriptural way we say to ourselves, “How did you forget?” There we are in the middle of the night paying three times the price for half as much. That’s usually how it is when we forget and want to fix the problem fast. The price exacted by the opportunist who is ready to meet the immediate needs of the forgetful is high.
It’s the same with spiritual forgetfulness too. Often when we forget our God and the things He has taught us in the past, we end up in a mess and feel the need to get ourselves out of it quickly and without too much effort, pain or embarrassment. So, we end up turning to sources that seem convenient but cost us too much in integrity, relationship with God and actual progress. We settle for the immediate and very high priced offer.
The good old fashioned, time tested ingredients for receiving direction, power, real peace, lasting joy and continued growth are always available but not always convenient. They can be had “without money and without price” but always require the surrender of my selfish, impatient, prideful nature as I humble myself and come unto Christ by kneeling by my bed, opening my scriptures, sharing with a friend, recording my feelings in my journal, attending my meetings etc. The next time I find cause to ask myself, “Nannette, how is it the ye have forgotten?” The first thing I need to remember is that when it comes to my spiritual needs there is no 7-11.
By Nannette W.
Written August 2, 2008
Posted August 3, 2008
Copyright 2008 by Nannette W. All right reserved.
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I am finding the same thing. I can’t do any shortcuts when it comes to my relationship with the Savior and receiving his help. They are the same things I use whether I am at home or on vacation away from my normal surroundings. I can’t skip anything or I pay a higher price. Thanks for sharing your blog with me.
Nan I read all of the posts and I love them. Thank you for your wonderful thoughts, insights and example.